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ERDDAP > info > ru36-20220223T1807-trajectory-raw-delayed

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The Dataset's Variables and Attributes

Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL _NCProperties String version=1|netcdflibversion=4.6.1|hdf5libversion=1.10.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgement String This deployment supported by the Office of Naval Research project N00014-18-S-B007
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_trajectory_variables String trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Deployed by Travis Miles, Joseph Gradone, Doug Wilson, Antonio Farchette, and Captain Steve Prosterman aboard R/V Lana June out of St. Thomas, USVI
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_name String Travis Miles, Joseph Gradone, Doug Wilson, Nicole Waite, David Aragon, Chip Haldeman, John Kerfoot, Laura Nazzaro, Lori Garzio
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String Principal Investigator, Graduate Student, Collaborator, Pilot, Pilot, Pilot, Data Management, Data Management, Data Management
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String kerfoot at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_institution String Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String John Kerfoot
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2024-05-08T17:03:54Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_issued String 2024-05-08T17:03:54Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2024-05-08T17:03:54Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultGraphQuery String longitude,latitude,time&.draw=markers&.marker=6%7C3&.color=0xFFFFFF&.colorBar=Rainbow2%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C&.bgColor=0xffccccff
attribute NC_GLOBAL deployment_name String ru36-20220223T1807
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double -64.77226999999999
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds String POLYGON ((18.16796833333333 -64.82662000000001, 18.16796833333333 -64.82662000000001, 18.16796833333333 -64.82662000000001, 18.16796833333333 -64.82662000000001, 18.16796833333333 -64.82662000000001))
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_crs String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs String EPSG:5831
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 18.28937833333333
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 17.823431666666668
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution String 0.00001 degree
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double -64.77226999999999
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -65.11130666666666
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution String 0.00001 degree
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 994.694
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double -0.6535102
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_resolution int 0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL gts_ingest String True
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2024-05-08T17:03:54Z: /tmp/tmpsv6phm6i/ created
2024-05-08T17:03:54Z: /home/kerfoot/code/glider-proc/scripts/ /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2022/ru36-20220223T1807/data/in/ascii/dbd/ru36_2022_074_1_9_dbd.dat
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String ru36-20220223T1807
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Profilers/Sounders > CTD
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Instrument Keywords Version 8.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Earth Sciences Keywords Version 8.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data provided as is with no expressed or implied assurance of quality assurance or quality control
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String edu.rutgers.rucool
attribute NC_GLOBAL ncei_template_version String NCEI_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v2.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 18.28937833333333
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String In Situ Ocean-based Platforms > AUVS > Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_type String Slocum Glider
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String NASA/GCMD Platforms Keywords Version 8.5
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String Raw Slocum glider time-series dataset from the native data file format. No quality control provided. Delayed mode dataset.
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String National Oceanographic Partnership Program
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Glider Onboard Processing
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String kerfoot at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_institution String Rutgers University
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sea_name String Caribbean Sea
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String Observational Slocum glider data from source dba file ru36-2022-074-1-9-dbd(00490009)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 17.823431666666668
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v27
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String source_file
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String This project is focused on collecting data for onboard glider processing from an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). This is specifically targeted at collecting data down to 1000 meters for development of onboard processing algorithms in a bench-top processor environment. Future deployments will include integrated processors carrying out onboard processing at sea. Delayed mode dataset.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_duration String PT02M01.839S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2022-03-17T17:21:56Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String PT15S
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2022-02-23T18:07:14Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String ru36-20220223T1807 Delayed Mode Raw Time Series
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String 9ad3791b-1968-4469-a49c-08d63350b7f7
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -65.11130666666666
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_id String 4803950
attribute NC_GLOBAL wmo_platform_code String 4803950
variable time   double  
attribute time _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.64563963426E9, 1.647537716349E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time bytes int 8
attribute time calendar String gregorian
attribute time comment String Alias for m_present_time
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String m_present_time
attribute time source_sensor String m_present_time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute time valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute time valid_min double 0.0
variable latitude   double  
attribute latitude _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute latitude actual_range double 17.823431666666668, 18.28937833333333
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude bytes int 8
attribute latitude comment String m_gps_lat converted to decimal degrees and interpolated
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude observation_type String calculated
attribute latitude precision int 5
attribute latitude source_sensor String m_gps_lat
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_max double 90.0
attribute latitude valid_min double -90.0
variable longitude   double  
attribute longitude _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute longitude actual_range double -65.11130666666666, -64.77226999999999
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude bytes int 8
attribute longitude comment String m_gps_lon converted to decimal degrees and interpolated
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude observation_type String calculated
attribute longitude precision int 5
attribute longitude source_sensor String m_gps_lon
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_max double 180.0
attribute longitude valid_min double -180.0
variable depth   float  
attribute depth _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute depth actual_range float -0.6535102, 994.694
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth comment String Calculated from llat_pressure and llat_latitude using gsw.z_from_p
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String CTD Depth
attribute depth observation_type String calculated
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
attribute depth valid_max float 2000.0
attribute depth valid_min float 0.0
variable trajectory   String  
attribute trajectory _ChunkSizes uint 18
attribute trajectory cf_role String trajectory_id
attribute trajectory comment String A trajectory is a single deployment of a glider and may span multiple data files.
attribute trajectory ioos_category String Identifier
attribute trajectory long_name String Trajectory/Deployment Name
variable source_file   String  
attribute source_file _ChunkSizes uint 31
attribute source_file all_sensors String 0
attribute source_file comment String Name of the source data file and associated file metadata
attribute source_file dbd_label String DBD_ASC(dinkum_binary_data_ascii)file
attribute source_file encoding_ver String 2
attribute source_file file_size_bytes int 6117
attribute source_file filename String ru36-2022-074-1-9-sf
attribute source_file filename_extension String dbd
attribute source_file filename_label String ru36-2022-074-1-9-dbd(00490009)
attribute source_file fileopen_time String Thu_Mar_17_05:05:03_2022
attribute source_file ioos_category String Unknown
attribute source_file long_name String Source data file
attribute source_file mission_name String 1k_n.mi
attribute source_file num_ascii_tags String 14
attribute source_file num_label_lines String 3
attribute source_file num_segments String 1
attribute source_file segment_filename_0 String ru36-2022-074-1-9
attribute source_file sensors_per_cycle String 97
attribute source_file source_file String /home/coolgroup/slocum/deployments/2022/ru36-20220223T1807/data/in/ascii/dbd/ru36_2022_074_1_9_dbd.dat
attribute source_file the8x3_filename String 00490009
variable platform   int  
attribute platform _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute platform comment String Glider Onboard Processing
attribute platform depth_rating String 1000m
attribute platform glider_type String Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G3 Glider
attribute platform id String ru36
attribute platform instrument String instrument_ctd_rbr,instrument_optode,instrument_adcp
attribute platform ioos_category String Unknown
attribute platform long_name String Slocum Glider ru36
attribute platform os_version String 10.05
attribute platform type String platform
attribute platform wmo_id String 4803950
attribute platform wmo_platform_code String 4803950
variable instrument_adcp   int  
attribute instrument_adcp _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute instrument_adcp calibration_date String 1970-01-01
attribute instrument_adcp comment String No calibration date available; Teledyne Marine Pathfinder DVL 600KHz; in-house check 2022-02-04
attribute instrument_adcp factory_calibrated String 1970-01-01
attribute instrument_adcp ioos_category String Identifier
attribute instrument_adcp long_name String ADCP
attribute instrument_adcp make_model String Teledyne Marine Pathfinder 600KHz DVL ADCP
attribute instrument_adcp owner String Teledyne Marine
attribute instrument_adcp platform String platform
attribute instrument_adcp serial_number String 673159
attribute instrument_adcp type String instrument
attribute instrument_adcp user_calibrated String 2022-02-04
variable instrument_ctd_rbr   int  
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr calibration_date String 2021-07-08
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr comment String Inductive conductivity, temperature, pressure sensor
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr factory_calibrated String 2021-07-08
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr ioos_category String Identifier
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr long_name String RBR CTD
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr make_model String RBRlegato3 CTD
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr owner String Rutgers University
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr platform String platform
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr serial_number String 207519
attribute instrument_ctd_rbr type String instrument
variable instrument_optode   int  
attribute instrument_optode _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute instrument_optode calibration_date String 2021-02-14
attribute instrument_optode comment String In-house check 2022-02-03
attribute instrument_optode factory_calibrated String 2021-02-14
attribute instrument_optode ioos_category String Identifier
attribute instrument_optode long_name String Oxygen Optode
attribute instrument_optode make_model String Aanderaa Oxygen Optode 4831
attribute instrument_optode owner String Rutgers University
attribute instrument_optode platform String platform
attribute instrument_optode serial_number String 952
attribute instrument_optode type String instrument
attribute instrument_optode user_calibrated String 2022-02-03
variable c_air_pump   byte  
attribute c_air_pump _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_air_pump _FillValue byte 127
attribute c_air_pump actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute c_air_pump bytes int 1
attribute c_air_pump ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_air_pump long_name String c_air_pump
attribute c_air_pump sensor String c_air_pump
attribute c_air_pump source_sensor String c_air_pump
attribute c_air_pump type String i1
attribute c_air_pump units String enum
variable c_ballast_pumped   float  
attribute c_ballast_pumped _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_ballast_pumped _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_ballast_pumped actual_range float 420.0, 420.0
attribute c_ballast_pumped bytes int 4
attribute c_ballast_pumped ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_ballast_pumped long_name String c_ballast_pumped
attribute c_ballast_pumped sensor String c_ballast_pumped
attribute c_ballast_pumped source_sensor String c_ballast_pumped
attribute c_ballast_pumped type String f4
attribute c_ballast_pumped units String cc
variable c_battpos   float  
attribute c_battpos _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_battpos _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_battpos actual_range float -0.8, 0.8
attribute c_battpos bytes int 4
attribute c_battpos ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_battpos long_name String c_battpos
attribute c_battpos sensor String c_battpos
attribute c_battpos source_sensor String c_battpos
attribute c_battpos type String f4
attribute c_battpos units String in
variable c_climb_target_depth   float  
attribute c_climb_target_depth _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_climb_target_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_climb_target_depth actual_range float 10.0, 30.0
attribute c_climb_target_depth bytes int 4
attribute c_climb_target_depth ioos_category String Location
attribute c_climb_target_depth long_name String c_climb_target_depth
attribute c_climb_target_depth sensor String c_climb_target_depth
attribute c_climb_target_depth source_sensor String c_climb_target_depth
attribute c_climb_target_depth type String f4
attribute c_climb_target_depth units String m
variable c_de_oil_vol   float  
attribute c_de_oil_vol _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_de_oil_vol _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_de_oil_vol actual_range float -410.0, 420.0
attribute c_de_oil_vol bytes int 4
attribute c_de_oil_vol ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_de_oil_vol long_name String c_de_oil_vol
attribute c_de_oil_vol sensor String c_de_oil_vol
attribute c_de_oil_vol source_sensor String c_de_oil_vol
attribute c_de_oil_vol type String f4
attribute c_de_oil_vol units String cc
variable c_dive_target_depth   float  
attribute c_dive_target_depth _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_dive_target_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_dive_target_depth actual_range float 50.0, 990.0
attribute c_dive_target_depth bytes int 4
attribute c_dive_target_depth ioos_category String Location
attribute c_dive_target_depth long_name String c_dive_target_depth
attribute c_dive_target_depth sensor String c_dive_target_depth
attribute c_dive_target_depth source_sensor String c_dive_target_depth
attribute c_dive_target_depth type String f4
attribute c_dive_target_depth units String m
variable c_dvl_on   float  
attribute c_dvl_on _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_dvl_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_dvl_on actual_range float -1.0, 20.0
attribute c_dvl_on bytes int 4
attribute c_dvl_on ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_dvl_on long_name String c_dvl_on
attribute c_dvl_on sensor String c_dvl_on
attribute c_dvl_on source_sensor String c_dvl_on
attribute c_dvl_on type String f4
attribute c_dvl_on units String sec
variable c_fin   float  
attribute c_fin _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_fin _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_fin actual_range float -0.44, 0.44
attribute c_fin bytes int 4
attribute c_fin ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_fin long_name String c_fin
attribute c_fin sensor String c_fin
attribute c_fin source_sensor String c_fin
attribute c_fin type String f4
attribute c_fin units String rad
variable c_heading   float  
attribute c_heading _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_heading _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_heading actual_range float 1.86533E-6, 6.28318
attribute c_heading bytes int 4
attribute c_heading ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_heading long_name String c_heading
attribute c_heading sensor String c_heading
attribute c_heading source_sensor String c_heading
attribute c_heading type String f4
attribute c_heading units String rad
variable c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send   float  
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send actual_range float 10.0, 10.0
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send bytes int 4
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send long_name String c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send sensor String c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send source_sensor String c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send type String f4
attribute c_oxy4_num_fields_to_send units String nodim
variable c_oxy4_on   float  
attribute c_oxy4_on _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_oxy4_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_oxy4_on actual_range float -1.0, 2.0
attribute c_oxy4_on bytes int 4
attribute c_oxy4_on ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_oxy4_on long_name String c_oxy4_on
attribute c_oxy4_on sensor String c_oxy4_on
attribute c_oxy4_on source_sensor String c_oxy4_on
attribute c_oxy4_on type String f4
attribute c_oxy4_on units String sec
variable c_pitch   float  
attribute c_pitch _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_pitch _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_pitch actual_range float -0.637, 0.698132
attribute c_pitch bytes int 4
attribute c_pitch ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_pitch long_name String c_pitch
attribute c_pitch sensor String c_pitch
attribute c_pitch source_sensor String c_pitch
attribute c_pitch type String f4
attribute c_pitch units String rad
variable c_roll   float  
attribute c_roll _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_roll _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_roll actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute c_roll bytes int 4
attribute c_roll ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_roll long_name String c_roll
attribute c_roll sensor String c_roll
attribute c_roll source_sensor String c_roll
attribute c_roll type String f4
attribute c_roll units String rad
variable c_thruster_on   float  
attribute c_thruster_on _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_thruster_on _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_thruster_on actual_range float 0.0, 52.672
attribute c_thruster_on bytes int 4
attribute c_thruster_on ioos_category String Unknown
attribute c_thruster_on long_name String c_thruster_on
attribute c_thruster_on sensor String c_thruster_on
attribute c_thruster_on source_sensor String c_thruster_on
attribute c_thruster_on type String f4
attribute c_thruster_on units String %
variable c_wpt_lat   double  
attribute c_wpt_lat _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_wpt_lat _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute c_wpt_lat actual_range double 1749.5, 1810.9617
attribute c_wpt_lat bytes int 8
attribute c_wpt_lat ioos_category String Location
attribute c_wpt_lat long_name String c_wpt_lat
attribute c_wpt_lat sensor String c_wpt_lat
attribute c_wpt_lat source_sensor String c_wpt_lat
attribute c_wpt_lat type String f8
attribute c_wpt_lat units String lat
variable c_wpt_lon   double  
attribute c_wpt_lon _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_wpt_lon _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute c_wpt_lon actual_range double -6455.94520000258, -6446.05
attribute c_wpt_lon bytes int 8
attribute c_wpt_lon ioos_category String Location
attribute c_wpt_lon long_name String c_wpt_lon
attribute c_wpt_lon sensor String c_wpt_lon
attribute c_wpt_lon source_sensor String c_wpt_lon
attribute c_wpt_lon type String f8
attribute c_wpt_lon units String lon
variable c_wpt_x_lmc   float  
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc actual_range float -7781.12, 11000.3
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc bytes int 4
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc long_name String c_wpt_x_lmc
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc sensor String c_wpt_x_lmc
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc source_sensor String c_wpt_x_lmc
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc type String f4
attribute c_wpt_x_lmc units String m
variable c_wpt_y_lmc   float  
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc actual_range float -34964.7, 20994.8
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc bytes int 4
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc long_name String c_wpt_y_lmc
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc sensor String c_wpt_y_lmc
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc source_sensor String c_wpt_y_lmc
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc type String f4
attribute c_wpt_y_lmc units String m
variable cc_final_depth_state_mode   byte  
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode _ChunkSizes uint 4096
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode _FillValue byte 127
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode actual_range byte 0, 99
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode bytes int 1
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode ioos_category String Location
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode long_name String cc_final_depth_state_mode
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode sensor String cc_final_depth_state_mode
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode source_sensor String cc_final_depth_state_mode
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode type String i1
attribute cc_final_depth_state_mode units String enum
variable crs   int  
attribute crs _FillValue int -2147483647
attribute crs epsg_code String EPSG:4326
attribute crs grid_mapping_name String latitude_longitude
attribute crs inverse_flattening double 298.257223563
attribute crs ioos_category String Unknown
attribute crs long_name String (external link)
attribute crs semi_major_axis double 6378137.0
variable f_ocean_pressure_max   float  
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max actual_range float 1.656, 1.656
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max bytes int 4
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max ioos_category String Pressure
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max long_name String f_ocean_pressure_max
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max sensor String f_ocean_pressure_max
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max source_sensor String f_ocean_pressure_max
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max type String f4
attribute f_ocean_pressure_max units String volts
variable f_ocean_pressure_min   float  
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min actual_range float 0.0829853, 0.0852839
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min bytes int 4
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min ioos_category String Pressure
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min long_name String f_ocean_pressure_min
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min sensor String f_ocean_pressure_min
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min source_sensor String f_ocean_pressure_min
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min type String f4
attribute f_ocean_pressure_min units String volts
variable m_air_pump   byte  
attribute m_air_pump _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_air_pump _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_air_pump actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute m_air_pump bytes int 1
attribute m_air_pump ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_air_pump long_name String m_air_pump
attribute m_air_pump sensor String m_air_pump
attribute m_air_pump source_sensor String m_air_pump
attribute m_air_pump type String i1
attribute m_air_pump units String bool
variable m_altitude   float  
attribute m_altitude _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_altitude _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_altitude actual_range float 0.0, 7.56044
attribute m_altitude bytes int 4
attribute m_altitude ioos_category String Location
attribute m_altitude long_name String m_altitude
attribute m_altitude sensor String m_altitude
attribute m_altitude source_sensor String m_altitude
attribute m_altitude type String f4
attribute m_altitude units String m
variable m_appear_to_be_at_surface   byte  
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface bytes int 1
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface long_name String m_appear_to_be_at_surface
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface sensor String m_appear_to_be_at_surface
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface source_sensor String m_appear_to_be_at_surface
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface type String i1
attribute m_appear_to_be_at_surface units String bool
variable m_avg_speed   float  
attribute m_avg_speed _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_avg_speed _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_avg_speed actual_range float 0.0170436, 0.54952
attribute m_avg_speed bytes int 4
attribute m_avg_speed ioos_category String Currents
attribute m_avg_speed long_name String m_avg_speed
attribute m_avg_speed sensor String m_avg_speed
attribute m_avg_speed source_sensor String m_avg_speed
attribute m_avg_speed type String f4
attribute m_avg_speed units String m/s
variable m_ballast_pumped   float  
attribute m_ballast_pumped _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_ballast_pumped _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_ballast_pumped actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute m_ballast_pumped bytes int 4
attribute m_ballast_pumped ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_ballast_pumped long_name String m_ballast_pumped
attribute m_ballast_pumped sensor String m_ballast_pumped
attribute m_ballast_pumped source_sensor String m_ballast_pumped
attribute m_ballast_pumped type String f4
attribute m_ballast_pumped units String cc
variable m_battpos   float  
attribute m_battpos _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_battpos _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_battpos actual_range float -0.827086, 0.847443
attribute m_battpos bytes int 4
attribute m_battpos ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_battpos long_name String m_battpos
attribute m_battpos sensor String m_battpos
attribute m_battpos source_sensor String m_battpos
attribute m_battpos type String f4
attribute m_battpos units String in
variable m_coulomb_amphr   float  
attribute m_coulomb_amphr _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_coulomb_amphr _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_coulomb_amphr actual_range float 0.046248, 171.541
attribute m_coulomb_amphr bytes int 4
attribute m_coulomb_amphr ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_coulomb_amphr long_name String m_coulomb_amphr
attribute m_coulomb_amphr sensor String m_coulomb_amphr
attribute m_coulomb_amphr source_sensor String m_coulomb_amphr
attribute m_coulomb_amphr type String f4
attribute m_coulomb_amphr units String amp-hrs
variable m_de_oil_vol   float  
attribute m_de_oil_vol _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_de_oil_vol _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_de_oil_vol actual_range float -401.583, 421.257
attribute m_de_oil_vol bytes int 4
attribute m_de_oil_vol ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_de_oil_vol long_name String m_de_oil_vol
attribute m_de_oil_vol sensor String m_de_oil_vol
attribute m_de_oil_vol source_sensor String m_de_oil_vol
attribute m_de_oil_vol type String f4
attribute m_de_oil_vol units String cc
variable m_depth   float  
attribute m_depth _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_depth actual_range float 0.0, 994.466
attribute m_depth axis String Z
attribute m_depth bytes int 4
attribute m_depth comment String Glider pressure transducer measured pressure
attribute m_depth ioos_category String Location
attribute m_depth long_name String Depth
attribute m_depth observation_type String calculated
attribute m_depth positive String down
attribute m_depth reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute m_depth source_sensor String m_depth
attribute m_depth standard_name String depth
attribute m_depth units String m
attribute m_depth valid_max float 2000.0
attribute m_depth valid_min float 0.0
variable m_depth_rate   float  
attribute m_depth_rate _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_depth_rate _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_depth_rate actual_range float -5.06417, 0.714977
attribute m_depth_rate bytes int 4
attribute m_depth_rate ioos_category String Location
attribute m_depth_rate long_name String m_depth_rate
attribute m_depth_rate sensor String m_depth_rate
attribute m_depth_rate source_sensor String m_depth_rate
attribute m_depth_rate type String f4
attribute m_depth_rate units String m/s
variable m_depth_state   byte  
attribute m_depth_state _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_depth_state _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_depth_state actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute m_depth_state bytes int 1
attribute m_depth_state ioos_category String Location
attribute m_depth_state long_name String m_depth_state
attribute m_depth_state sensor String m_depth_state
attribute m_depth_state source_sensor String m_depth_state
attribute m_depth_state type String i1
attribute m_depth_state units String enum
variable m_dip_angle   float  
attribute m_dip_angle _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_dip_angle _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_dip_angle actual_range float 0.436332, 0.918043
attribute m_dip_angle bytes int 4
attribute m_dip_angle ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_dip_angle long_name String m_dip_angle
attribute m_dip_angle sensor String m_dip_angle
attribute m_dip_angle source_sensor String m_dip_angle
attribute m_dip_angle type String f4
attribute m_dip_angle units String rad
variable m_dr_surf_x_lmc   float  
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc actual_range float -31096.2, 25472.5
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc bytes int 4
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc long_name String m_dr_surf_x_lmc
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc sensor String m_dr_surf_x_lmc
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc source_sensor String m_dr_surf_x_lmc
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc type String f4
attribute m_dr_surf_x_lmc units String m
variable m_dr_surf_y_lmc   float  
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc actual_range float -33279.1, 19229.4
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc bytes int 4
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc long_name String m_dr_surf_y_lmc
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc sensor String m_dr_surf_y_lmc
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc source_sensor String m_dr_surf_y_lmc
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc type String f4
attribute m_dr_surf_y_lmc units String m
variable m_dr_time   float  
attribute m_dr_time _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_dr_time _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_dr_time actual_range float -1.0, 13462.7
attribute m_dr_time bytes int 4
attribute m_dr_time ioos_category String Time
attribute m_dr_time long_name String m_dr_time
attribute m_dr_time sensor String m_dr_time
attribute m_dr_time source_sensor String m_dr_time
attribute m_dr_time type String f4
attribute m_dr_time units String sec
variable m_fin   float  
attribute m_fin _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_fin _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_fin actual_range float -0.48536, 0.488861
attribute m_fin bytes int 4
attribute m_fin ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_fin long_name String m_fin
attribute m_fin sensor String m_fin
attribute m_fin source_sensor String m_fin
attribute m_fin type String f4
attribute m_fin units String rad
variable m_final_water_vx   float  
attribute m_final_water_vx _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_final_water_vx _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_final_water_vx actual_range float -0.432949, 2.72915
attribute m_final_water_vx bytes int 4
attribute m_final_water_vx ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_final_water_vx long_name String m_final_water_vx
attribute m_final_water_vx observation_type String calculated
attribute m_final_water_vx sensor String m_final_water_vx
attribute m_final_water_vx source_sensor String m_final_water_vx
attribute m_final_water_vx standard_name String eastward_sea_water_velocity
attribute m_final_water_vx type String f4
attribute m_final_water_vx units String m s-1
variable m_final_water_vy   float  
attribute m_final_water_vy _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_final_water_vy _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_final_water_vy actual_range float -2.76633, 0.055922
attribute m_final_water_vy bytes int 4
attribute m_final_water_vy ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_final_water_vy long_name String m_final_water_vy
attribute m_final_water_vy observation_type String calculated
attribute m_final_water_vy sensor String m_final_water_vy
attribute m_final_water_vy source_sensor String m_final_water_vy
attribute m_final_water_vy standard_name String northward_sea_water_velocity
attribute m_final_water_vy type String f4
attribute m_final_water_vy units String m s-1
variable m_gps_full_status   byte  
attribute m_gps_full_status _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_full_status _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_gps_full_status actual_range byte 0, 7
attribute m_gps_full_status bytes int 1
attribute m_gps_full_status ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_gps_full_status long_name String m_gps_full_status
attribute m_gps_full_status sensor String m_gps_full_status
attribute m_gps_full_status source_sensor String m_gps_full_status
attribute m_gps_full_status type String i1
attribute m_gps_full_status units String enum
variable m_gps_lat   double  
attribute m_gps_lat _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_lat _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute m_gps_lat actual_range double 1749.4059, 1817.3627
attribute m_gps_lat axis String Y
attribute m_gps_lat bytes int 8
attribute m_gps_lat comment String Latitude measured using on-board GPS. NMEA coordinates.
attribute m_gps_lat ioos_category String Time
attribute m_gps_lat long_name String GPS Measured Latitude
attribute m_gps_lat observation_type String measured
attribute m_gps_lat precision int 5
attribute m_gps_lat source_sensor String m_gps_lat
attribute m_gps_lat units String degrees_minutes_north
attribute m_gps_lat valid_max double 9000.0
attribute m_gps_lat valid_min double -9000.0
variable m_gps_lon   double  
attribute m_gps_lon _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_lon _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute m_gps_lon actual_range double -6506.6784, -6446.3362
attribute m_gps_lon axis String X
attribute m_gps_lon bytes int 8
attribute m_gps_lon comment String Longitude measured using on-board GPS. NMEA coordinates.
attribute m_gps_lon ioos_category String Time
attribute m_gps_lon long_name String GPS Measured Longitude
attribute m_gps_lon observation_type String measured
attribute m_gps_lon precision int 5
attribute m_gps_lon source_sensor String m_gps_lon
attribute m_gps_lon units String degrees_minutes_east
attribute m_gps_lon valid_max double 18000.0
attribute m_gps_lon valid_min double -18000.0
variable m_gps_mag_var   float  
attribute m_gps_mag_var _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_mag_var _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_gps_mag_var actual_range float 0.232129, 0.235619
attribute m_gps_mag_var bytes int 4
attribute m_gps_mag_var ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_gps_mag_var long_name String m_gps_mag_var
attribute m_gps_mag_var sensor String m_gps_mag_var
attribute m_gps_mag_var source_sensor String m_gps_mag_var
attribute m_gps_mag_var type String f4
attribute m_gps_mag_var units String rad
variable m_gps_status   byte  
attribute m_gps_status _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_status _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_gps_status actual_range byte 0, 2
attribute m_gps_status bytes int 1
attribute m_gps_status ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_gps_status long_name String m_gps_status
attribute m_gps_status sensor String m_gps_status
attribute m_gps_status source_sensor String m_gps_status
attribute m_gps_status type String i1
attribute m_gps_status units String enum
variable m_gps_x_lmc   float  
attribute m_gps_x_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_x_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_gps_x_lmc actual_range float -33953.6, 11259.8
attribute m_gps_x_lmc bytes int 4
attribute m_gps_x_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute m_gps_x_lmc long_name String m_gps_x_lmc
attribute m_gps_x_lmc sensor String m_gps_x_lmc
attribute m_gps_x_lmc source_sensor String m_gps_x_lmc
attribute m_gps_x_lmc type String f4
attribute m_gps_x_lmc units String m
variable m_gps_y_lmc   float  
attribute m_gps_y_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_gps_y_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_gps_y_lmc actual_range float -33548.4, 19371.6
attribute m_gps_y_lmc bytes int 4
attribute m_gps_y_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute m_gps_y_lmc long_name String m_gps_y_lmc
attribute m_gps_y_lmc sensor String m_gps_y_lmc
attribute m_gps_y_lmc source_sensor String m_gps_y_lmc
attribute m_gps_y_lmc type String f4
attribute m_gps_y_lmc units String m
variable m_heading   float  
attribute m_heading _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_heading _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_heading actual_range float 0.0, 6.28144
attribute m_heading bytes int 4
attribute m_heading ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_heading long_name String m_heading
attribute m_heading sensor String m_heading
attribute m_heading source_sensor String m_heading
attribute m_heading type String f4
attribute m_heading units String rad
variable m_iridium_call_num   float  
attribute m_iridium_call_num _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_iridium_call_num _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_iridium_call_num actual_range float 66.0, 339.0
attribute m_iridium_call_num bytes int 4
attribute m_iridium_call_num ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_iridium_call_num long_name String m_iridium_call_num
attribute m_iridium_call_num sensor String m_iridium_call_num
attribute m_iridium_call_num source_sensor String m_iridium_call_num
attribute m_iridium_call_num type String f4
attribute m_iridium_call_num units String nodim
variable m_iridium_redials   float  
attribute m_iridium_redials _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_iridium_redials _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_iridium_redials actual_range float 0.0, 4.0
attribute m_iridium_redials bytes int 4
attribute m_iridium_redials ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_iridium_redials long_name String m_iridium_redials
attribute m_iridium_redials sensor String m_iridium_redials
attribute m_iridium_redials source_sensor String m_iridium_redials
attribute m_iridium_redials type String f4
attribute m_iridium_redials units String nodim
variable m_iridium_signal_strength   float  
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength actual_range float 0.0, 5.0
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength bytes int 4
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength long_name String m_iridium_signal_strength
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength sensor String m_iridium_signal_strength
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength source_sensor String m_iridium_signal_strength
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength type String f4
attribute m_iridium_signal_strength units String nodim
variable m_is_ballast_pump_moving   byte  
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving bytes int 1
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving long_name String m_is_ballast_pump_moving
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving sensor String m_is_ballast_pump_moving
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving source_sensor String m_is_ballast_pump_moving
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving type String i1
attribute m_is_ballast_pump_moving units String bool
variable m_is_battpos_moving   byte  
attribute m_is_battpos_moving _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_is_battpos_moving _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_is_battpos_moving actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute m_is_battpos_moving bytes int 1
attribute m_is_battpos_moving ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_is_battpos_moving long_name String m_is_battpos_moving
attribute m_is_battpos_moving sensor String m_is_battpos_moving
attribute m_is_battpos_moving source_sensor String m_is_battpos_moving
attribute m_is_battpos_moving type String i1
attribute m_is_battpos_moving units String bool
variable m_is_de_pump_moving   byte  
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving actual_range byte 0, 1
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving bytes int 1
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving long_name String m_is_de_pump_moving
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving sensor String m_is_de_pump_moving
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving source_sensor String m_is_de_pump_moving
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving type String i1
attribute m_is_de_pump_moving units String bool
variable m_lat   double  
attribute m_lat _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_lat _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute m_lat actual_range double 1749.40589994146, 1817.36269994402
attribute m_lat axis String Y
attribute m_lat bytes int 8
attribute m_lat comment String Dead-reckoned latitude calculated by the glider while underwater. NMEA coordinates
attribute m_lat ioos_category String Time
attribute m_lat long_name String Dead-Reckoned Latitude
attribute m_lat observation_type String calculated
attribute m_lat precision int 5
attribute m_lat source_sensor String m_lat
attribute m_lat standard_name String latitude
attribute m_lat units String degrees_minutes_north
attribute m_lat valid_max double 9000.0
attribute m_lat valid_min double -9000.0
variable m_lon   double  
attribute m_lon _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_lon _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute m_lon actual_range double -6506.67840000525, -6431.7422880673
attribute m_lon axis String X
attribute m_lon bytes int 8
attribute m_lon comment String Dead-reckoned longitude calculoned by the glider while underwater. NMEA coordinates
attribute m_lon ioos_category String Time
attribute m_lon long_name String Dead-Reckoned Longitude
attribute m_lon observation_type String calculated
attribute m_lon precision int 5
attribute m_lon source_sensor String m_lon
attribute m_lon standard_name String longitude
attribute m_lon units String degrees_minutes_east
attribute m_lon valid_max double 18000.0
attribute m_lon valid_min double -18000.0
variable m_magnetic_field   float  
attribute m_magnetic_field _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_magnetic_field _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_magnetic_field actual_range float 4093.0, 6509.0
attribute m_magnetic_field bytes int 4
attribute m_magnetic_field ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_magnetic_field long_name String m_magnetic_field
attribute m_magnetic_field sensor String m_magnetic_field
attribute m_magnetic_field source_sensor String m_magnetic_field
attribute m_magnetic_field type String f4
attribute m_magnetic_field units String nodim
variable m_pitch   float  
attribute m_pitch _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_pitch _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_pitch actual_range float -0.818559, 0.752237
attribute m_pitch bytes int 4
attribute m_pitch ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_pitch long_name String m_pitch
attribute m_pitch sensor String m_pitch
attribute m_pitch source_sensor String m_pitch
attribute m_pitch type String f4
attribute m_pitch units String rad
variable m_present_time   double  
attribute m_present_time _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_present_time actual_range double 1.64563963426E9, 1.647537716349E9
attribute m_present_time axis String T
attribute m_present_time bytes int 8
attribute m_present_time calendar String gregorian
attribute m_present_time ioos_category String Time
attribute m_present_time long_name String m_present_time
attribute m_present_time source_sensor String m_present_time
attribute m_present_time standard_name String time
attribute m_present_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute m_present_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute m_present_time valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute m_present_time valid_min double 0.0
variable m_pressure   float  
attribute m_pressure _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_pressure _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_pressure actual_range float -0.0786057, 99.4466
attribute m_pressure axis String Z
attribute m_pressure bytes int 4
attribute m_pressure comment String Glider pressure transducer measured pressure
attribute m_pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute m_pressure long_name String Flight Pressure
attribute m_pressure observation_type String measured
attribute m_pressure positive String down
attribute m_pressure reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute m_pressure source_sensor String m_pressure
attribute m_pressure standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute m_pressure units String bar
attribute m_pressure valid_max float 2000.0
attribute m_pressure valid_min float 0.0
variable m_pressure_voltage   float  
attribute m_pressure_voltage _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_pressure_voltage _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_pressure_voltage actual_range float 0.0822466, 1.20054
attribute m_pressure_voltage bytes int 4
attribute m_pressure_voltage ioos_category String Pressure
attribute m_pressure_voltage long_name String m_pressure_voltage
attribute m_pressure_voltage sensor String m_pressure_voltage
attribute m_pressure_voltage source_sensor String m_pressure_voltage
attribute m_pressure_voltage type String f4
attribute m_pressure_voltage units String volts
variable m_roll   float  
attribute m_roll _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_roll _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_roll actual_range float -0.371755, 0.188496
attribute m_roll bytes int 4
attribute m_roll ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_roll long_name String m_roll
attribute m_roll sensor String m_roll
attribute m_roll source_sensor String m_roll
attribute m_roll type String f4
attribute m_roll units String rad
variable m_science_clothesline_lag   float  
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag actual_range float -0.151, 49.224
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag bytes int 4
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag long_name String m_science_clothesline_lag
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag sensor String m_science_clothesline_lag
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag source_sensor String m_science_clothesline_lag
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag type String f4
attribute m_science_clothesline_lag units String s
variable m_speed   float  
attribute m_speed _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_speed _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_speed actual_range float -0.996619, 1.3102
attribute m_speed bytes int 4
attribute m_speed ioos_category String Currents
attribute m_speed long_name String m_speed
attribute m_speed sensor String m_speed
attribute m_speed source_sensor String m_speed
attribute m_speed type String f4
attribute m_speed units String m/s
variable m_thermal_valve   byte  
attribute m_thermal_valve _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_thermal_valve _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_thermal_valve actual_range byte 0, 3
attribute m_thermal_valve bytes int 1
attribute m_thermal_valve ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_thermal_valve long_name String m_thermal_valve
attribute m_thermal_valve sensor String m_thermal_valve
attribute m_thermal_valve source_sensor String m_thermal_valve
attribute m_thermal_valve type String i1
attribute m_thermal_valve units String enum
variable m_thruster_current   float  
attribute m_thruster_current _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_thruster_current _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_thruster_current actual_range float 0.0, 0.632
attribute m_thruster_current bytes int 4
attribute m_thruster_current ioos_category String Currents
attribute m_thruster_current long_name String m_thruster_current
attribute m_thruster_current sensor String m_thruster_current
attribute m_thruster_current source_sensor String m_thruster_current
attribute m_thruster_current type String f4
attribute m_thruster_current units String amp
variable m_thruster_power   float  
attribute m_thruster_power _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_thruster_power _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_thruster_power actual_range float 0.0, 4.63733
attribute m_thruster_power bytes int 4
attribute m_thruster_power ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_thruster_power long_name String m_thruster_power
attribute m_thruster_power sensor String m_thruster_power
attribute m_thruster_power source_sensor String m_thruster_power
attribute m_thruster_power type String f4
attribute m_thruster_power units String watt
variable m_thruster_power_spike   byte  
attribute m_thruster_power_spike _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_thruster_power_spike _FillValue byte 127
attribute m_thruster_power_spike actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute m_thruster_power_spike bytes int 1
attribute m_thruster_power_spike ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_thruster_power_spike long_name String m_thruster_power_spike
attribute m_thruster_power_spike sensor String m_thruster_power_spike
attribute m_thruster_power_spike source_sensor String m_thruster_power_spike
attribute m_thruster_power_spike type String i1
attribute m_thruster_power_spike units String enum
variable m_thruster_voltage   float  
attribute m_thruster_voltage _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_thruster_voltage _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_thruster_voltage actual_range float 0.0, 7.34027
attribute m_thruster_voltage bytes int 4
attribute m_thruster_voltage ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_thruster_voltage long_name String m_thruster_voltage
attribute m_thruster_voltage sensor String m_thruster_voltage
attribute m_thruster_voltage source_sensor String m_thruster_voltage
attribute m_thruster_voltage type String f4
attribute m_thruster_voltage units String volts
variable m_vacuum   float  
attribute m_vacuum _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_vacuum _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_vacuum actual_range float 6.72993, 9.31465
attribute m_vacuum bytes int 4
attribute m_vacuum ioos_category String Unknown
attribute m_vacuum long_name String m_vacuum
attribute m_vacuum sensor String m_vacuum
attribute m_vacuum source_sensor String m_vacuum
attribute m_vacuum type String f4
attribute m_vacuum units String inHg
variable m_water_depth   float  
attribute m_water_depth _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_water_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_water_depth actual_range float -1.0, 351.995
attribute m_water_depth bytes int 4
attribute m_water_depth ioos_category String Bathymetry
attribute m_water_depth long_name String m_water_depth
attribute m_water_depth sensor String m_water_depth
attribute m_water_depth source_sensor String m_water_depth
attribute m_water_depth standard_name String sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface
attribute m_water_depth type String f4
attribute m_water_depth units String m
variable m_water_vx   float  
attribute m_water_vx _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_water_vx _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_water_vx actual_range float -0.433897, 2.72915
attribute m_water_vx bytes int 4
attribute m_water_vx comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute m_water_vx ioos_category String Currents
attribute m_water_vx long_name String Depth-averaged Eastward Sea Water Velocity
attribute m_water_vx observation_type String calculated
attribute m_water_vx source_sensor String m_water_vx
attribute m_water_vx standard_name String eastward_sea_water_velocity
attribute m_water_vx units String m s-1
attribute m_water_vx valid_max float 10.0
attribute m_water_vx valid_min float -10.0
variable m_water_vy   float  
attribute m_water_vy _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_water_vy _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_water_vy actual_range float -2.76633, 0.058373
attribute m_water_vy bytes int 4
attribute m_water_vy comment String The depth-averaged current is an estimate of the net current measured while the glider is underwater. The value is calculated over the entire underwater segment, which may consist of 1 or more dives.
attribute m_water_vy ioos_category String Currents
attribute m_water_vy long_name String Depth-averaged Northward Sea Water Velocity
attribute m_water_vy observation_type String calculated
attribute m_water_vy source_sensor String m_water_vy
attribute m_water_vy standard_name String northward_sea_water_velocity
attribute m_water_vy units String m s-1
attribute m_water_vy valid_max float 10.0
attribute m_water_vy valid_min float -10.0
variable m_x_lmc   float  
attribute m_x_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_x_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_x_lmc actual_range float -33953.6, 25472.5
attribute m_x_lmc bytes int 4
attribute m_x_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute m_x_lmc long_name String m_x_lmc
attribute m_x_lmc sensor String m_x_lmc
attribute m_x_lmc source_sensor String m_x_lmc
attribute m_x_lmc type String f4
attribute m_x_lmc units String m
variable m_y_lmc   float  
attribute m_y_lmc _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute m_y_lmc _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute m_y_lmc actual_range float -33548.4, 21008.1
attribute m_y_lmc bytes int 4
attribute m_y_lmc ioos_category String Location
attribute m_y_lmc long_name String m_y_lmc
attribute m_y_lmc sensor String m_y_lmc
attribute m_y_lmc source_sensor String m_y_lmc
attribute m_y_lmc type String f4
attribute m_y_lmc units String m
variable pressure   float  
attribute pressure _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute pressure _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute pressure actual_range float -0.657456, 1003.11
attribute pressure axis String Z
attribute pressure bytes int 4
attribute pressure comment String Alias for sci_water_pressure, multiplied by 10 to convert from bar to dbar
attribute pressure ioos_category String Pressure
attribute pressure long_name String CTD Pressure
attribute pressure observation_type String measured
attribute pressure positive String down
attribute pressure reference_datum String sea-surface
attribute pressure source_sensor String sci_water_pressure
attribute pressure standard_name String sea_water_pressure
attribute pressure units String bar
attribute pressure valid_max float 2000.0
attribute pressure valid_min float 0.0
variable sci_dvl_bd_range_to_bottom   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bd_range_to_bottom _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bd_range_to_bottom actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bd_range_to_bottom ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_bd_time_since_last_good_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bd_time_since_last_good_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bd_time_since_last_good_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bd_time_since_last_good_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bd_u_dist   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bd_u_dist _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bd_u_dist actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bd_u_dist ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_bd_v_dist   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bd_v_dist _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bd_v_dist actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bd_v_dist ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_bd_w_dist   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bd_w_dist _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bd_w_dist actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bd_w_dist ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_be_u_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_be_u_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_be_u_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_be_u_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_be_v_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_be_v_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_be_v_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_be_v_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_be_vel_good   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_be_vel_good _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_be_vel_good actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute sci_dvl_be_vel_good ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_be_w_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_be_w_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_be_w_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_be_w_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bi_err_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bi_err_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bi_err_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bi_err_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bi_vel_good   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_bi_vel_good _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_bi_vel_good actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute sci_dvl_bi_vel_good ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bi_x_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bi_x_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bi_x_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bi_x_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bi_y_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bi_y_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bi_y_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bi_y_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bi_z_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bi_z_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bi_z_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bi_z_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bs_longitudinal_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bs_longitudinal_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bs_longitudinal_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bs_longitudinal_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bs_normal_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bs_normal_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bs_normal_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bs_normal_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bs_transverse_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_bs_transverse_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_bs_transverse_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_bs_transverse_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_bs_vel_good   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_bs_vel_good _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_bs_vel_good actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute sci_dvl_bs_vel_good ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_ensemble_offset   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ensemble_offset _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ensemble_offset actual_range float 0.0, 4604040.0
attribute sci_dvl_ensemble_offset ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_error   float  
attribute sci_dvl_error _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_error actual_range float 0.0, 1007.0
attribute sci_dvl_error ioos_category String Statistics
variable sci_dvl_is_installed   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_is_installed _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_is_installed actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute sci_dvl_is_installed ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_sa_heading   float  
attribute sci_dvl_sa_heading _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_sa_heading actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_sa_heading ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_sa_pitch   float  
attribute sci_dvl_sa_pitch _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_sa_pitch actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_sa_pitch ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_sa_roll   float  
attribute sci_dvl_sa_roll _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_sa_roll actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_sa_roll ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_ts_bit   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ts_bit _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ts_bit actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ts_bit ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_ts_depth   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ts_depth _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ts_depth actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ts_depth ioos_category String Location
variable sci_dvl_ts_sal   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ts_sal _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ts_sal actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ts_sal ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_dvl_ts_sound_speed   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ts_sound_speed _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ts_sound_speed actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ts_sound_speed ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_ts_temp   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ts_temp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ts_temp actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ts_temp ioos_category String Temperature
variable sci_dvl_ts_timestamp   double  
attribute sci_dvl_ts_timestamp _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute sci_dvl_ts_timestamp actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ts_timestamp ioos_category String Time
variable sci_dvl_wd_range_to_water_mass_center   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wd_range_to_water_mass_center _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wd_range_to_water_mass_center actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wd_range_to_water_mass_center ioos_category String Wind
variable sci_dvl_wd_time_since_last_good_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wd_time_since_last_good_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wd_time_since_last_good_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wd_time_since_last_good_vel ioos_category String Wind
variable sci_dvl_wd_u_dist   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wd_u_dist _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wd_u_dist actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wd_u_dist ioos_category String Wind
variable sci_dvl_wd_v_dist   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wd_v_dist _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wd_v_dist actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wd_v_dist ioos_category String Wind
variable sci_dvl_wd_w_dist   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wd_w_dist _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wd_w_dist actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wd_w_dist ioos_category String Wind
variable sci_dvl_we_u_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_we_u_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_we_u_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_we_u_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_we_v_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_we_v_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_we_v_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_we_v_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_we_vel_good   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_we_vel_good _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_we_vel_good actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute sci_dvl_we_vel_good ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_we_w_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_we_w_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_we_w_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_we_w_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_wi_err_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wi_err_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wi_err_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wi_err_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_wi_vel_good   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_wi_vel_good _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_wi_vel_good actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute sci_dvl_wi_vel_good ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_wi_x_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wi_x_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wi_x_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wi_x_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_wi_y_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wi_y_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wi_y_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wi_y_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_wi_z_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_wi_z_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_wi_z_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_wi_z_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_ws_longitudinal_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ws_longitudinal_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ws_longitudinal_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ws_longitudinal_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_ws_normal_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ws_normal_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ws_normal_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ws_normal_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_ws_transverse_vel   float  
attribute sci_dvl_ws_transverse_vel _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_dvl_ws_transverse_vel actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_dvl_ws_transverse_vel ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_dvl_ws_vel_good   byte  
attribute sci_dvl_ws_vel_good _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_dvl_ws_vel_good actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute sci_dvl_ws_vel_good ioos_category String Currents
variable sci_m_present_time   double  
attribute sci_m_present_time _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute sci_m_present_time actual_range double 1.64563963426E9, 1.647475012386E9
attribute sci_m_present_time axis String T
attribute sci_m_present_time bytes int 8
attribute sci_m_present_time calendar String gregorian
attribute sci_m_present_time ioos_category String Time
attribute sci_m_present_time long_name String sci_m_present_time
attribute sci_m_present_time source_sensor String sci_m_present_time
attribute sci_m_present_time standard_name String time
attribute sci_m_present_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute sci_m_present_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
attribute sci_m_present_time valid_max double 2.147483647E9
attribute sci_m_present_time valid_min double 0.0
variable sci_oxy4_c1amp   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_c1amp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_c1amp actual_range float 0.0, 1022.9
attribute sci_oxy4_c1amp ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_c1rph   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_c1rph _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_c1rph actual_range float 0.0, 50.849
attribute sci_oxy4_c1rph ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_c2amp   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_c2amp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_c2amp actual_range float 0.0, 951.1
attribute sci_oxy4_c2amp ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_c2rph   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_c2rph _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_c2rph actual_range float 0.0, 7.196
attribute sci_oxy4_c2rph ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_calphase   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_calphase _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_calphase actual_range float 0.0, 42.597
attribute sci_oxy4_calphase ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_is_installed   byte  
attribute sci_oxy4_is_installed _FillValue byte 127
attribute sci_oxy4_is_installed actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute sci_oxy4_is_installed ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_oxygen   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_oxygen _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_oxygen actual_range float 0.0, 206.612
attribute sci_oxy4_oxygen ioos_category String Dissolved O2
variable sci_oxy4_rawtemp   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_rawtemp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_rawtemp actual_range float -164.7, 540.3
attribute sci_oxy4_rawtemp ioos_category String Temperature
variable sci_oxy4_saturation   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_saturation _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_saturation actual_range float 0.0, 100.141
attribute sci_oxy4_saturation ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_tcphase   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_tcphase _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_tcphase actual_range float 0.0, 44.685
attribute sci_oxy4_tcphase ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_oxy4_temp   float  
attribute sci_oxy4_temp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_oxy4_temp actual_range float 0.0, 26.881
attribute sci_oxy4_temp ioos_category String Temperature
variable sci_oxy4_timestamp   double  
attribute sci_oxy4_timestamp _FillValue double 9.96920996838687E36
attribute sci_oxy4_timestamp actual_range double 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_oxy4_timestamp ioos_category String Time
variable sci_software_ver   float  
attribute sci_software_ver _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_software_ver actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute sci_software_ver ioos_category String Unknown
variable sci_water_cond   float  
attribute sci_water_cond _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_water_cond actual_range float 0.0, 5.75319
attribute sci_water_cond ioos_category String Salinity
variable sci_water_pressure   float  
attribute sci_water_pressure _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_water_pressure actual_range float 0.0, 100.311
attribute sci_water_pressure ioos_category String Pressure
variable sci_water_temp   float  
attribute sci_water_temp _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute sci_water_temp actual_range float 0.0, 26.8724
attribute sci_water_temp ioos_category String Temperature
variable u_angle_of_attack   float  
attribute u_angle_of_attack _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_angle_of_attack _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_angle_of_attack actual_range float -0.104667, 0.104667
attribute u_angle_of_attack bytes int 4
attribute u_angle_of_attack ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_angle_of_attack long_name String u_angle_of_attack
attribute u_angle_of_attack sensor String u_angle_of_attack
attribute u_angle_of_attack source_sensor String u_angle_of_attack
attribute u_angle_of_attack type String f4
attribute u_angle_of_attack units String rad
variable u_avg_speed_alpha   float  
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha actual_range float 0.001, 0.001
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha bytes int 4
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha ioos_category String Currents
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha long_name String u_avg_speed_alpha
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha sensor String u_avg_speed_alpha
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha source_sensor String u_avg_speed_alpha
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha type String f4
attribute u_avg_speed_alpha units String nodim
variable u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode   byte  
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode _FillValue byte 127
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode actual_range byte 2, 2
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode bytes int 1
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode long_name String u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode sensor String u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode source_sensor String u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode type String i1
attribute u_dvl_bk_water_mass_layer_mode units String enum
variable u_dvl_debug_level   float  
attribute u_dvl_debug_level _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_debug_level _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_dvl_debug_level actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute u_dvl_debug_level bytes int 4
attribute u_dvl_debug_level ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_dvl_debug_level long_name String u_dvl_debug_level
attribute u_dvl_debug_level sensor String u_dvl_debug_level
attribute u_dvl_debug_level source_sensor String u_dvl_debug_level
attribute u_dvl_debug_level type String f4
attribute u_dvl_debug_level units String nodim
variable u_dvl_ensemble_timeout   float  
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout actual_range float 20.0, 20.0
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout bytes int 4
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout ioos_category String Time
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout long_name String u_dvl_ensemble_timeout
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout sensor String u_dvl_ensemble_timeout
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout source_sensor String u_dvl_ensemble_timeout
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout type String f4
attribute u_dvl_ensemble_timeout units String sec
variable u_dvl_es_expected_salinity   float  
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity actual_range float 35.0, 35.0
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity bytes int 4
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity ioos_category String Salinity
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity long_name String u_dvl_es_expected_salinity
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity sensor String u_dvl_es_expected_salinity
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity source_sensor String u_dvl_es_expected_salinity
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity type String f4
attribute u_dvl_es_expected_salinity units String ppt
variable u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart   float  
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart actual_range float 1.0, 1.0
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart bytes int 4
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart ioos_category String Statistics
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart long_name String u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart sensor String u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart source_sensor String u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart type String f4
attribute u_dvl_num_errors_before_restart units String nodim
variable u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select   byte  
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select _FillValue byte 127
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select bytes int 1
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select long_name String u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select sensor String u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select source_sensor String u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select type String i1
attribute u_dvl_pd_data_stream_select units String enum
variable u_dvl_single_pd0_file   byte  
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file _FillValue byte 127
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file actual_range byte 0, 0
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file bytes int 1
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file long_name String u_dvl_single_pd0_file
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file sensor String u_dvl_single_pd0_file
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file source_sensor String u_dvl_single_pd0_file
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file type String i1
attribute u_dvl_single_pd0_file units String bool
variable u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode   byte  
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode _FillValue byte 127
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode actual_range byte 1, 1
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode bytes int 1
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode ioos_category String Unknown
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode long_name String u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode sensor String u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode source_sensor String u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode type String i1
attribute u_oxy4_slow_surface_mode units String bool
variable u_reqd_depth_at_surface   float  
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface actual_range float 2.25, 4.0
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface bytes int 4
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface ioos_category String Location
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface long_name String u_reqd_depth_at_surface
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface sensor String u_reqd_depth_at_surface
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface source_sensor String u_reqd_depth_at_surface
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface type String f4
attribute u_reqd_depth_at_surface units String m
variable u_use_current_correction   float  
attribute u_use_current_correction _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute u_use_current_correction _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute u_use_current_correction actual_range float 0.0, 1.0
attribute u_use_current_correction bytes int 4
attribute u_use_current_correction ioos_category String Currents
attribute u_use_current_correction long_name String u_use_current_correction
attribute u_use_current_correction sensor String u_use_current_correction
attribute u_use_current_correction source_sensor String u_use_current_correction
attribute u_use_current_correction type String f4
attribute u_use_current_correction units String nodim
variable x_dbd_mission_number   float  
attribute x_dbd_mission_number _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_dbd_mission_number _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_dbd_mission_number actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute x_dbd_mission_number bytes int 4
attribute x_dbd_mission_number ioos_category String Statistics
attribute x_dbd_mission_number long_name String x_dbd_mission_number
attribute x_dbd_mission_number sensor String x_dbd_mission_number
attribute x_dbd_mission_number source_sensor String x_dbd_mission_number
attribute x_dbd_mission_number type String f4
attribute x_dbd_mission_number units String nodim
variable x_dbd_segment_number   float  
attribute x_dbd_segment_number _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_dbd_segment_number _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_dbd_segment_number actual_range float 0.0, 0.0
attribute x_dbd_segment_number bytes int 4
attribute x_dbd_segment_number ioos_category String Statistics
attribute x_dbd_segment_number long_name String x_dbd_segment_number
attribute x_dbd_segment_number sensor String x_dbd_segment_number
attribute x_dbd_segment_number source_sensor String x_dbd_segment_number
attribute x_dbd_segment_number type String f4
attribute x_dbd_segment_number units String nodim
variable x_fin_max   float  
attribute x_fin_max _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_fin_max _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_fin_max actual_range float 0.44, 0.44
attribute x_fin_max bytes int 4
attribute x_fin_max ioos_category String Location
attribute x_fin_max long_name String x_fin_max
attribute x_fin_max sensor String x_fin_max
attribute x_fin_max source_sensor String x_fin_max
attribute x_fin_max type String f4
attribute x_fin_max units String rad
variable x_prior_seg_water_vx   float  
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx actual_range float -0.432949, 2.72915
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx bytes int 4
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx ioos_category String Location
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx long_name String x_prior_seg_water_vx
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx sensor String x_prior_seg_water_vx
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx source_sensor String x_prior_seg_water_vx
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx type String f4
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vx units String m/s
variable x_prior_seg_water_vy   float  
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy actual_range float -2.76633, 0.055922
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy bytes int 4
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy ioos_category String Location
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy long_name String x_prior_seg_water_vy
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy sensor String x_prior_seg_water_vy
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy source_sensor String x_prior_seg_water_vy
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy type String f4
attribute x_prior_seg_water_vy units String m/s
variable x_software_ver   float  
attribute x_software_ver _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_software_ver _FillValue float 9.96921E36
attribute x_software_ver actual_range float 10.05, 10.05
attribute x_software_ver bytes int 4
attribute x_software_ver ioos_category String Location
attribute x_software_ver long_name String x_software_ver
attribute x_software_ver sensor String x_software_ver
attribute x_software_ver source_sensor String x_software_ver
attribute x_software_ver type String f4
attribute x_software_ver units String nodim
variable x_thruster_state   byte  
attribute x_thruster_state _ChunkSizes uint 8
attribute x_thruster_state _FillValue byte 127
attribute x_thruster_state actual_range byte 0, 9
attribute x_thruster_state bytes int 1
attribute x_thruster_state ioos_category String Location
attribute x_thruster_state long_name String x_thruster_state
attribute x_thruster_state sensor String x_thruster_state
attribute x_thruster_state source_sensor String x_thruster_state
attribute x_thruster_state type String i1
attribute x_thruster_state units String enum

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